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Operation Larisel was a high priority search and destroy mission launched by the Tanith 1st Regiment during the war on Phantine, and took place at the sky city of Ouranberg. The mission's parameters were to find and to kill Chaos general Saggitar Slaith to weaken the command and morale of the dug in Blood Pact defenders.


Objective Outcome Notes
Primary Objective Infiltrate teams within Ouranberg stucture without detection Semi-Success Two teams successful in completing insertion, one detected during infiltration, one team lost before insertion
Primary Objective Identify, locate and eliminate Saggitar Slaith Success Slaith killed by tube charges, confirmed kill
Secondary Objective Disrupt enemy defense structure Semi-Success Enemy forces distracted from main defenses
Tertiary Objective Locate Ouranberg citizenry Sucess Civilians located on work detail in Alpha dome

Team Members[]

Team 1[]

1st Team
Name Origin Status
Team Leader Varlsmaller Sergeant Ceglan Varl Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith born Alive
Scout Boninsmall Scout-Trooper 'Mach' Bonin Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith born Alive
Sniper Bandasmaller Trooper Jessi Banda Tanith 1st Regiment, Vervunhiver Alive
Support Vadimsmall Trooper Noa Vadim Tanith 1st Regiment, Vervunhiver Alive
Specialist Unterrio Corporal Innis Unterrio Phantine Drop-Regiment K.I.A

Team 2[]

2nd Team
Name Origin Status
Team Leader Merynsmaller Corporal Flyn Meryn Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Scout Vensmaller2 Scout-Trooper Mkvenner Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Sniper Larkinsmall Trooper Hlaine Larkin Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Support Kurensmall Trooper Kuren Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Specialist Kersh Lieutenant Kersherin Phantine Drop Regiment Alive

Team 3[]

3rd Team


Origin Status
Team Leader Arcudasmaller Sergeant Lhurn Adare Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith K.I.A
Scout Adaresmall Scout-Trooper Doyl Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith K.I.A
Sniper Nessasmall Trooper Nessa Bourah Tanith 1st Regiment, Vervunhiver Alive
Support Milosmaller Trooper Brin Milo Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Specialist Cardinale Specialist Trooper Lex Cardinale Phantine Drop Regiment K.I.A

Team 4[]

4th Team


Origin Status
Team Leader Mkollsmall Scout-Sergeant Oan Mkoll Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith Alive
Scout Noursmalll Scout-Trooper Nour Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith K.I.A
Sniper Nour Trooper Rilke Tanith 1st Regiment, Tanith K.I.A
Support Cocoer Trooper Cocoer Tanith 1st Regiment, Vervunhiver K.I.A
Specialist Babbist Specialist-Trooper Ayre Babbist Phantine Drop Regiment K.I.A



The insertion of the four Larisel teams was conducted under the guise of a large air strike on the main defenses of Ouranberg, which doubled as both a method of weakening the city's defenses in advance of the Imperial assault to begin the next day, and also to create openings for the teams to enter the structures. In the midst of the air wave formation were four stripped down marauder fighter-bombers which each held a five man team. Once over the objective, the marauders would release the operatives, where they would then make groundfall using Skyborne hover packs that negated the need for a stationary insertion craft.

Once on the ground, the formation would continue it's aerial assault and return to Cirenholm, leaving the Blood Pact defenders in no doubt that it had simply been a routine aerial attack that they had endured, allowing the mission teams to successfuly gain access to the dome proper and begin their mission to locate Slaith. At this point the Larisel operatives would be without any support or contact with the Imperial forces on Phantine.

Each team was assigned a team leader, a scout mainly for locating their target and also for stealth envoy work, a sniper for the actual assassination and a support trooper armed with a U90 Assault Cannon for heavy duty fire, particularly in regards to any encounters with the confirmed Loxatl mercenaries within, and each was accompanied by a Phantine Skyborne specialist, mainly to assist during the insertion phase.
